Sunday, April 25, 2010

McAfee antivirus cause Winsows XP a System Reboot

       Antivirus (or anti-virus) software is used to prevent, detect, and remove malware, including computer viruses, worms, and trojan horses. But what if these antivirus programs will cause some problems in your computer? Detect some files of your Operating System and said that it is a virus even though its just an ordinary file from your OS. 

       That is what happened to McAfee antivirus just occured last week. They release an antivirus update that crippled corporate and consumer Windows-based computers. The antivirus update called DAT 5958 was caused by most of the users of McAfee a blue screen on their computers and system shutdown. However, McAfee released a what they called SuperDAT remediation tool and DAT 5959 to wipe out and repair the damage done by DAT 5958. At this time, users that are affected by this bad antivirus update is in repair mode on their computers. McAfee isn't the first antivirus software vendor to have wreaked havoc on customer PCs with a bad antivirus update. Trend Micro delivered a bad antivirus update two years ago, and vendor AVG also had a bad antivirus update that year. But McAfee's handling of DAT 5958 this week is meeting with frustration from customers who are bewildered by technical explanations from McAfee and long wait times.


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